The day I arrived back in Botswana when I got home, I immediately went to check my garden because I love seeing that green colour of plants. It just enthralls me. It’s also intriguing to see something you planted grow and give back to you.
Before I left I had noticed a melon plant growing among my vegetables. I could have removed and discarded it but I decided to see what was going to happen if I let it live. So as I was inspecting my garden that morning I couldn’t believe my eyes when I bumped into this beautiful melon. I was so shocked at what one month can do. I had been absent from home for just over a month and guess what, I didn’t come to find things the same way I left them. Things don’t always remain the same way we leave them. People too. Expect change. Sadly the changes would include my chomoullier which I found not so healthy because it wasn’t being watered as regularly as I do when I am present.
Had one month’s absence brought all these changes? Yes it had. So much can change within a month, a week, a day, a year and even an hour. Change comes any time. When I was preaching in Zambia I remember saying confidently to the leaders who were before me that I wasn’t the same woman that I was 2 months ago, I really am not. I am changing and I plan to keep changing. It doesn’t matter that there are people who still want to treat me like I haven’t changed, I have changed and they are going to have to adjust failing which they will miss out on the new person. The melon will not disappear because when I came back I wasn’t expecting to find it, let alone that big. It would also not stop growing because I wasn’t around. The melon tree lived its purpose in my absence and doesn’t even need my permission to bear fruit. The fruit won’t ask me if it’s okay for it to grow, it will just grow naturally because it is following set principles. Principles are designed to function regardless of who approves and disapproves. Our feelings and thoughts are irrelevant. Oooh Lord.
People will grow even if you walk out on them, particularly if you arrogantly thought they would die without you. So long as they are alive and are being well fed, they will grow. They don’t need your authorization. Situations will change too. There will be additions and subtractions around us. The melon is an addition to our food supply because trust me, as surely as the sun comes out every morning, I am going to cook it in due time and give thanks to the Lord as I swallow it. We never even bought the seeds, they came hidden in the organic manure my husband collected somewhere. Talk about hidden blessings – our God is a God of abundant supply. I am also almost tempted to write about the Power of Seeds but not today.
My chomoullier needs help to return to its glorious healthy green leaves because it also changed like I mentioned above as it was not attended to diligently. Mismanagement brings changes we do not desire but they will come nonetheless. I was talking to our children about how God gives but we need to assume the responsibility of maintenance so that we can get maximum return from what God has given us. We lose what we fail to manage. I have begun watering them my way and I will dig around them for aeration and perhaps also add more organic manure so that the chomoullier can be repaired and restored. It too will change soon because anything planted can change depending on how it is taken care of.
Time comes with changes and I have seen that with the melon. What is time doing to you? Do you like the changes happening in you and around you? One thing is constant they say and it is change.